Hard Knox Blues Bash – July 1

Thursday, July 1, 8-11:30pm > Hard Knox Blues Bash @ Old City Courtyard. Only $5. Benefits TN Valley Jazz & Blues Foundation. Labron Lazenby & LA3 and Relentless Blues, the Hard Knox Blues All-Stars, including Jenna Jefferson, “Big Daddy” Rick Rouse, Michael Crawley, Chico Crawford, Danny Lee Michel, “Blue… Barry” Faust, Robert Higginboth…am, Jimmy Logston, and the legendary Harold “Hal” Hardy. Food, beverages, & Chair Massage by Charles and Kathaleen. See you there???

Charles is going to the World Massage Festival


“The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” – Bertrand Russell

Jenny worked a Babies Promo

Jenny worked a Mother/baby promo event at JumpityJump for the new movie Babies. The movie just opened at Regal’s Downtown West Theater. http://www.fandango.com/regaldowntownwestcinema8_aaeon/theaterpage

FREE Intro to Kinesiology

I just got back from a Touch for Health® Instructors Update. The pain in my ankles & feet from an old accident went down from a 6 to a 2 after a 42-muscle balance. Want to know more? I’m doing a FREE Intro to Kinesiology tomorrow, Tuesday – 5/11, @ 7pm @ my office. RSVP: 865-694-3144

EarthFest 2010

Charles & Jenny worked a booth at EarthFest on 4/17/2010.

Charles & Jenny at EarthFest 2010

Bridge Tournament in Gatlinburg

Like Bridge?  The annual Mid-Atlantic Bridge Conference regional tournament is in Gatlinburg, April 12-18, 2010. Kathaleen and Charles will be there offering Chair Massage for the contenders.  This is often the largest Bridge tournament in the U.S.


www.MassageTN.com has been updated. Please check it out. It is for Massage Therapists and Consumers.

Homberg Chiropractic Open House

For those of you in the Bearden Area, Chiropractor Craig Hennie is having an Open House on Saturday, April 10th, from 9am til noon. http://www.dochennie.com/


15 Hour “Hands On” Workshop
Learn how they heal negative emotions; how to prepare the Remedies and know which are needed. Not in the book info.

WHEN: Saturday-Sunday, May 1-2, 9-5
(free lecture on Wednesday, April 7, 7pm)

WHERE: Lenoir City, 7 minutes from I-40/75 interstate

COST: $120 (includes text, Certificate & CEU credits)

PRESENTER: Joyce Petrak, DCH (Dr. Joy), has used Flower Remedies since 1980 and has taught hundreds how to be practitioners since 1991 when she wrote the hilarious “Bach Flower Remedies: Humor To Remember Them…Or, First Get the Elephant Off Your Foot” (Joyce insists students come prepared to laugh. It’s a fun class.)


Bach consists of 38 flower remedies which balance the emotional and spiritual person so that illnesses and stresses “Disappear like snow in the sunshine.”Rescue (or Calming Essence), the most popular, consists of 5 of the Bach Remedies. Used for traumas, stress, injuries, frightening experiences.